I got in touch with Debbie in December 18 at a low time in my life and had been told by nurses I can only have another child by IVF after having 2 ectopic pregnancies. Obviously heart wrenching to be told such horrific news and cried for days but thought to myself I can't go on this way and needed to make some life changing decisions so I stopped working on a night and joined fatblastbootcamp. The best thing ive done. Ive lost 29lbs so far and still another stone to go. I can see a huge difference now comparing these pictures which is making me work harder. Here's to the next stone and hopefully baby.
In 16 weeks I have lost a massive 24 inches and an even more impressive 42lb.
When I first received the call from Debbie, I was probably at my lowest. I had no confidence and my eating was completely out of control. That first, very cold, Monday morning I was greeted by lots of smiles and welcoming faces. I am coming to the end of my fourth camp, 16 weeks, and It feels like I’ve always been a part of the group. In 16 weeks I have lost a massive 24 inches and an even more impressive 42lb. It’s still a work in progress but I now have the confidence to know I will get to where I want to be. I honestly couldn’t have done it alone. Debbie is absolutely fantastic, she’s motivating and makes sure you keep yourself accountable and on track. I can’t thank her or the group enough for helping me be me again.
Can not rate Debbie highly enough!!
I Have just finished her 21 day detox not only have I lost 5kg but I'm feeling so fit and it's definitely kick started me into a healthier life style! The work outs are short and intense and she even makes them enjoyable.... believe it or not.
The classes are intense but fun and she really knows how to keep you motivated!!
A++++ class. Couldnt be more pleased with the results! If your looking for a kick start to a new heathier lifestyle then i couldnt reccommend Debbie more highly!! The classes are intense but fun and she really knows how to keep you motivated!! Amazing trainer and awesome programme!!
5 stars all the way
Anyway Debbie you are amazing! Loved the works outs, even Dave! Bikini body is looking more achievable thanks to you! X
'I feel fantastic and I'm oozing with confidence!'
Fatblast Bootcamp run by Debbie Wilson transformed my life, Not just the way that I look but the way that I think and feel about my body and I cannot thank her enough for her ongoing inspiration and support. The one in the white T-shirt was one year ago, the other is my fab results. I was so excited to get back into Bootcamp this year and I am now a size 14 happy and confident.
The perfect style of motivation and hard work!
Debbie is amazing!!! Great fun workouts, the perfect style of motivation and hard work! Absolutely loved the detox and boot camp and will definitely sign up for the next one! Love how genuine she is- truly there to help out with any questions whether diet or exercise related; she's got heaps of knowledge and a motivating attitude.
'I dropped 2 dress sizes and had loads more energy!'
I cannot recommend Fat Blast Boot Camp enough. I was an avid member, until I fell pregnant & can't wait to get back into it as soon as I am able. The camp is hard work but if you put in the effort & follow the nutrition the results are amazing. I dropped 2 dress sizes, had loads more energy & found that I actually enjoyed getting up early & exercising at 6am! Debbie is a great motivator & you always have a laugh with the other girls, even when it hurts to laugh! Yes you get aches & pains at first but for me it was so worth it when I realised I could finally do man press ups! You really do feel part of a team & can always count on helpful advice, tips & encouragement to get you through the tough times :)

Boot Camp is for ordinary people who want to make an extrordinary change to their lives!
Fatbast boot camp is for ordinary people with ordinary problems who want to make an extrodinary change to their lives. I was petrified that it would be full of super fit people in lycra... it's not!!! Its hard work for 45 minutes and its actually fun (I can't beleive im saying that!!) Go on have a go xx
'my biggest fear was that I wouldn't be able to complete the session'
End of week 8: Total loss = 1stone 8lbs
Last November, I was feeling pretty fed up with the way I looked and felt. I wanted to choose clothes because I liked them, rather than because they disguised my shape. More importantly I wanted more energy and to be fit and healthy for my own and my children's sake.
I hadn't heard about bootcamp, but by chance Debbie appeared in my friend finder on facebook, remembering Debbie from school, I sent a friend request which led on to finding out about the Fatblast Bootcamp. I was inspired by the common sense approach to getting into shape and joined up in December to start my first bootcamp on the 10th Jan 2011.
Although I was highly motivated to get in shape, I was very nervous before my first session, my biggest fear was that I wouldn't be able to complete the session! Also I have joined gyms in the past and attended aerobic classes and always found them boring, impersonal and unfriendly places.
I knew I was going to love bootcamp after my very first session and I can't believe the difference in my shape after just 8 weeks! From day 1 Debbie has been amazing, with her friendly approach, offering encouragement, keeping me focused and recognising hard work and achievements. Not only that, the whole group are really friendly, inspiring and we have a laugh too!
After my first month I signed up for a further 6 months, and following that I fully intend to sign-up again. Bootcamp fits neatly into my busy life (working full time with two children) and sets me up for the day ahead. I am less stressed, happier and have so much more energy and clarity at work and home.
I would recommend Debbie's bootcamp to anyone who wants to lose weight, and be fitter, healthier and happier. I still have a way to go, but now i'm confident I can achieve my goals and enjoy myself along the way!
'I dropped from a size 16 to a size small 12/ big 10 and shed a total of 3 stone!'
'I joined Boot camp after having my daughter, and wanted to shift the weight I'd gained during pregnancy!! My goals were to get back down to my weight, and clothes size from before becoming pregnant, with Boot camp I dropped from a size 16 to a size small 12/ big 10 and shed a total of 3 stone! Boot camp has totally changed my life, If It hadn’t of been for Boot camp I would of not had the motivation to lose the amount of weight I have in the space of time I have done it in. Debbie is a fantastic trainer who helped me to set target goals and aim to meet them, I would recommend Boot camp to anyone who wants to feel good about themselves, get into shape and drop dress sizes and weight!! I now feel I have more energy, and a healthier lifestyle because of Boot camp! The sessions are fun and each one is different, though hard work at the time once a session finishes you feel fantastic and the work you put in will get results!! Thank you so much to Debbie for all of your help!!x x'
'In just eight sessions I have lost around seven pounds!!'
Hi everyone, I started the boot camp three weeks ago now, and I am ecstatic to say that in just eight sessions I have lost around seven pounds!! A very big thank you to Debbie who has made it worth my while going. I can honestly say that every press up/ lunge, and all the other good sweaty activities that she puts us through has definitely made a noticeable difference. I am feeling so much more happier not only because of the weight loss but because I am doing worth while exercises that have essentially made me feel a lot more fitter than I was a few weeks ago.
'I have more energy and most of my clothes are now too big!'
Before I started boot camp I was rather dubious as to what I'd get
out of it, however I have been pleasantly surprised! Not only has my diet changed, by cutting out certain foods and generally eating a lot healthier - which in turn has made me feel less bloated and given me more energy, most of my clothes are now too big! My friends, family and colleagues have all commented on how I look, and that they can see a big difference! We all have a good laugh, and although its hard work you get out what you put in : )
'Bootcamp has helped me to loose 2 stones in weight and drop from a size 14-16 to a size 12!'
Bootcamp has helped me to loose 2 stones in weight and drop from a size 14-16 to a size 12. My fitness has vastly improved and I feel more energetic and alert.
I came along to a taster session before signing up to boot camp and knew that it was just what I was looking for, boot camp is a fantastic group session with people of all abilities, each session is different and works on all areas of your body.
If I hadn't signed up I wouldn't have achieved the results I have - I certainly wouldn't have woken up at 0545 otherwise! Debbie is a fantastic trainer who has motivated me and kept me on track she is always there to remind me of my goals and ensure I reach them. Although sessions are tough whilst your training you have an overwhelming sense of achievement when you have finished particularly when it's raining and muddy!
I would recommend boot camp to anyone, I have found it to be a fantastic way to meet others, have a fun session and achieve results - far better than joining a gym!

"well it our last week of our 21 day body challenge, and we are all doing great. after two weeks ive lost 4 inchs from my waist, 2 off my chest and 2 off my hips, first week i lost 2 and half pound"
"Last week and I really don't want it to end. I never thought after having a baby I would even be close to My pre pregnancy weight, but with the help of Debbie I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not going to lie it's been hard work with the dieting but it's really worth it when you notice clothes getting loose!!"
"wow, I have lost 10 pounds in two weeks love to lose 4 more pound, so I can lose a stone. hard fitness class but I can do pushs up without beening on my knees. 5 days to go, what can I lose in these last few days."
"Last week - did measurements at the weekend and another 3.5 inches lost, and another 3lb (6lbs the first week) - so lost about 9 - 10 lb in two weeks so well chuffed. Eating healthily is now a way of life - looking forward to wednesday's workout"
After two weeks: "yippieeee just been shopping today and i have gone down a dress size :D :D :D"
After one week: "Whoop Whoop 3kilos off!!!!! Very Happy!!!!! All this hard work is worth it!!!!"
Here's some from our FACEBOOK Page