How I help my clients drop a dress size in 28 days or less
For years now I’ve been helping my boot camp and online clients lose a dress size in 28 days. There’s no magic pill, potion or shake...

It's that time of year where coughs and colds are rife, here’s a few tips you can do to help give you the best protection and keep you...

We are BACK!
Monday 13th September 2021 we start boot camp again - join us

Let's Talk Hormones and Taking Charge of your Health
Let's talk hormones and taking charge of your health and fitness Since having my son Dexter I've had a few issues regarding my hormones,...

5 Essential Weight Loss Tips - Nutrition
Often diet and weight loss can be difficult, there's so much conflicting advice out there: High carb low fat, low carb high fat, paleo,...

5 Reasons to Exercise Outdoors
We all know that exercise is great for us right? But did you know theres an added bonus to getting outdoors for your training sessions? ...

5 Reasons To Take A Cold Shower
27/4/2016 0 COMMENTS 6 Reasons You Should Take a Cold Shower! I often take cold showers, especially when my shower is playing up! One...

Is Stress Making You Fat?
Is Stress Making You Fat? I’m writing this not only to help you but also to reiterate the information to myself and drill it into my head...

Thinking of joining the boot camp? Read this!
If you're thinking of joining the Boot Camp here are some golden nuggets for you to follow to get the best results: One - follow the...

Are your current lifestyle choices making you happy?
Do you wake up on a daily basis, look in the mirror and wish you were slimmer? Had a firmer bottom? Bigger breasts? Less Cellulite or...